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Want to know what we will be studying on Sunday?

Or maybe you want to know who to pray for? Get all the up-to-date information you need right here!

This Coming Sunday: Dec. 15, 2024

Brothers and Sisters:

This Sunday, Pastor Mike Waers will deliver God’s message on Joseph based on Matthew 1:18-25.  In this passage, it becomes apparent that Mary is expecting a baby.  Knowing that he is not the father, Joseph decides to quietly divorce Mary.  This gives us our first insight into Joseph’s character.  In those days, Joseph had the right to publicly disgrace Mary. However, he did not want to do that.  Then Joseph is visited by an angel in a dream.  In this dream, the angel tells Joseph to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife. When Joseph awakens from the dream, he does as the angel commands and takes Mary as his wife.  If we know nothing else about Joseph, we know he is kind and obedient. Raising a child can be a daunting task. Imagine the weight of being assigned the task of raising a child who will take away the sins of the world. Yet, in obedience, Joseph agrees.  What is God asking us to do? What is our response?

Pray for God to prepare your heart for worship.

Blessings from the Elders of Legacy Christian Church

Order of Worship

Opening Songs of Praise


Welcome & Announcements


Songs of Praise


Communion Mediation




Pastoral Prayer




Songs of Response


Offering & Benediction

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